Monday, June 13, 2011

Redeeming Love Beyond My Thinking!

I was reminded tonight that, "NOTHING CAN SEPARATE YOU FROM THE LOVE OF JESUS." What an amazing truth! Even though I can't grasp that completely, I know and understand that King Jesus is the ONLY One who can love me NO matter what and who can supply a never-ending amount of grace.

I am thankful that 10 years ago, I started walking with Jesus. I mess up a lot. Sometimes, I tell Him things like, "Walk on the other side of the street Jesus, I can handle this situation alone." "You can let go of my hand, God, I got this." UGH, why do I tell Him those things. I must be crazy...or maybe just human! But, when I lay my head down on my pillow at night, I am able to tell God that I was crazy to think I could do ______(fill in the blank) on my own. And guess what? He says, "OH Emily, I love you anyway." And He is there right then and the next day to hold my hand, and walk down the same street with me again. Now, that is redeeming love and sufficient grace.

Walking each day with Jesus has been breathtaking, and beautiful, and way, way beyond my wildest hopes!

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